Vote Video #1 for AMY
10. It takes 1 minute to register and 10 seconds to vote daily...or less. Why wouldn't you help?
9. The Hamburger Helper site asks immediately after you register about email – they will NOT spam you.
8. If she wins, Amy promises to post lots of up-close and personal pictures of all your favorite NASCAR drivers (or their wives, girlfriends, etc. whatever is requested) all dressed up at the Most Popular Driver Awards.
7. Heels and a dress at the MPD Awards luncheon...
6. Amy has never been west of Missouri before. This Hoosier chick would LOVE to go to Las Vegas!
5. Amy has the best video in the contest anyway!
4. Once the contest is over Monday night at 11:59pm she will stop bugging you to vote.
3. Amy is extremely competitive and hates to lose. The last contest she was a part of she finished second, please don't let that happen again.
2. Karma ~ Last week Amy donated a dozen Nike footballs to her local Boys Club. The week before eight footballs were taken to her nephew's school as a donation. She won a contest that gave her 20 Nike footballs. Instead of selling them she donated to places that needed them.
And the #1 reason you should vote for AMY for Hamburger Helper Most Passionate Fan...How can you say no to a set of abs like this??
What are you waiting for?? Ten good reasons say it's time to go to and Vote Video #1 for AMY!!!
Amy McHargue
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